read what others are saying
Twin Case:
“I’d like to introduce all my mommy friends and soon-to-be-mommy friends and daddy friends to my lifesaver, Pam of Wee Bee Dreaming. She has been a Godsend when it comes to getting A and E to get the rest they need. She knows everything about every age, it seems, and helps us adjust naptimes, wake times, bedtimes, all times, when needed. I could go on and on, but just know that I highly recommend her. She is my Sleep Guru ... I heart Pam.”
5 month old, no naps:
–April, mother of A and E, now 12 months
“Pam started working with my 5-month-old son and I six days ago. My son’s naps were getting shorter and shorter and harder and harder to get to sleep. I was at the point of crying every time I had to put my son to nap. The only time he would nap more than 30 mins, would be on me. I was getting to the point where I would nurse, rock, hold my breath when put him down in his crib and tiptoe out of his room...still holding my breath. And after all that, he would shortly wake up bawling and the cycle would start all over. The first day Pam had started working with us, we saw progress. He was napping longer and crying less. Today, my son sleeps longer, does not cry when put down in his crib, is sleeping within 15–20 minutes and I do not have to hold my breath and tiptoe out of his room....did I mention...we came this far in only 6 DAYS!? I would and do highly recommend Wee Bee Dreaming. Pam is amazing at what she does and I will continue to turn to her for sleep guidance!”
Co-sleeping unsuccessfully at 12 months:
“First of all, I want to thank you! Because of you, my little one is now sleeping in his own crib! His naps are better and he doesn’t seem to be all over the place anymore. I’m getting more sleep and my husband is as well! I must admit, when I first contacted you I was thinking, ‘Oh yeah, just another ‘thing’ to try.’ BOY was I wrong! The first day I was so nervous. He did cry a bit more than usual, but I know it was mostly because he wasn’t used to what I was showing him! The first night....HE SLEPT IN HIS OWN CRIB!!! He didn’t even cry as hard as he did previous nights! Sure he woke a bit more, but that was fine. I knew he wasn’t hungry, dirty, etc. I was amazed! So, the first night I was like, ‘That was a fluke!’ When the second night came, it was even better! He woke less and cried for shorter periods!... I’m so glad I tried this! He now sleeps in his own crib all the time... THROUGH THE NIGHT! FINALLY! Thank you so much for everything! You helped me understand what my child wanted and needed! I would recommend you to anyone with sleep issues or even new moms (like myself) who aren’t really sure of what to do or what’s next! This works and I will forever stand by it!”
Dad testimonial:
“I just wanted to thank you for all your advice and patience with us. I know my wife asks a lot of questions, and you were always there to help us. The result of your work really changed our lives. Our baby sleeps more and seems to be even happier. Our older daughter now gets to spend more time with us and does not resent her baby sister. In fact, they’re now best buddies. My wife is less stressed and certainly happier and more rested. As for me, I can say I sleep a bit more, and see a more cohesive and happy family. Thank you very much!!”
Toddler sleep issues:
“I would like to send a heartfelt thanks to Pam for helping me with my children. Katelyn, my 3 1/2 year old, who was a horrible sleeper from the moment she was born is now sleeping through the night! Not only would Katelyn make her way to our bed every single night she would not
go to sleep by herself. She is now sleeping through the night and I no longer have to lay with her so she will go to sleep. My husband and I welcomed Pam into our home were she helped us work through and identify the problems we faced with getting our children to sleep properly. During this process we were both impressed with Pam’s professionalism, patience and knowledge. We both refer and will continue to refer friends, family and colleges to Pam. Thank you Pam.”
Mom didn't want to make the same sleep mistakes with her second child:
“My little one was 5.5 months when I started working with Wee Bee Dreaming, I was exclusively breastfeeding and my daughter and I were consecutively co sleeping (naps and nighttime). I was exhausted and couldn’t go on much longer, the short ten minute naps during the day and constant nursing at night seemed like it was never-ending. I saw some reviews with Wee Bee and figured “what do I have to lose”? Well first off Pam is AH-MAZING! Very knowledgeable, supportive and was a never-ending lifeline to the millions of questions I had, she was always there when I needed her, this in turn made the transition so much easier and I honestly don’t think I could of done it (with so much success) without her help! I also got some tips and pointers for my son as well (who was almost 5). I will be spreading the word to all my mommy friends, Pam is truly the best at what she does!”
Four month old, very quick progress:
“When I contacted Pam from Wee Bee Dreaming, I was at my wit’s end. My 4 month old little girl was waking every one to two hours all night long no matter what we tried. I was overwhelmed with all the information and opinions that are out there and I didn’t know where to begin. Enter Pam. Pam gave us a clear plan to follow and was there every step of the way to support us as we implemented it. She responded quickly to any questions we had along the way. I was shocked to find that we saw results IMMEDIATELY. Like day 2. She started sleeping longer stretches, and has continued to do so. We can now count on at least a 6 hour stretch every night, if not longer. Then she easily goes back down to sleep some more. She is no longer dependent on us to fall asleep. But all this isn’t the best part. The best part is the change I’ve seen in my daughter during the time that she is AWAKE. She used to be somewhat of a fussy baby. I would spend hours of time every day bouncing her, holding a pacifier in her mouth, trying to calm her down and/or get her to fall asleep. Now, when she is awake she is so content. No more fussing. Her awake time is quality time, which has made us all so much happier. Pam is so knowledgeable and is truly great at what she does. I am so happy that I looked to her for help!!!”
Nine month old's schedule was not meeting his needs:
“I have now had 39 good night sleeps in a row thanks to Wee Bee Dreaming!!! This is something I thought would never happen. My nine month old son was taking 3-5 naps a day, up every 2-4 hours through the night and ONLY falling asleep in my arms or on me. It was not how I planned it or wanted it but it “worked” and I didn’t know how to get out of the routine. I read every article and book I could find. I tried to sleep train on my own. Twice. I even almost signed up for consulting from some online company in the United States. Finally through a Facebook group I heard of Wee Bee Dreaming -a Grande Prairie company! Being that she is a mom too and her company is local I felt I could trust her and see if anything could be changed in my overtired, not-so-happy routine. On the first night he slept 6 hours straight. On the second night he slept for two 6 hour stretches. On the seventh night he did not need a night bottle and slept 12 hours. It is literally like night and day how much it has changed!!! Now he falls asleep on his own and has 2 consistent naps. The difference in how I feel now that I am able to take care of myself is incredible! It has been great to actually get to spend time with my partner and get housework or running around done in the evening. I no longer have lots to get done during the day so I can enjoy my daytime with my son. It feels good to know my son is now getting the sleep he needs to grow to be a big boy. I definitely will now enjoy the rest of my maternity leave with my baby!!”
Ten month old up all night long:
“Pam is a miracle worker, no other term for her. Our sweet baby was waking 8-10 times a night, sometimes up for hours at a time before we started with Wee Bee Dreaming. Within 2 days we had 12-14 hours of sleep per night. We also have wonderful naps now as well and a happy, healthy, well-rested baby. Pam was there every step of the way and had answers to our questions before we even asked them. She is such an expert on children’s sleep yet is also a parent and sympathizes with your emotional needs as well. I would suggest Wee Bee Dreaming to anyone who struggles with their children’s sleep!!!”
4.5 month old second child who did not nap and could not self-soothe:
“Pam literally changed our lives. With our second child, we quickly went down the same bad road of accidental parenting, sleep props, and you name it - as we did with our first child. It was so painful before, and here we were - yet again. Only this time, rocking, holding, pacifiers, and literally spending hours a day as a human crib were not even options with an almost 5-year-old also in need of attention...especially at bed time. Then, we found Pam. We started working with her when our second daughter was 4.5 months old and within a few days our baby was self-soothing, actually taking more than a 30 minute nap and sleeping longer stretches at night. I would be in tears daily as I would have to hole up in the nursery for hours and work hard rocking and patting just to get my baby some sleep. With Pam, my problems were solved in a matter of days. She was with us every step of the way and answered each and every question to perfection. I now have evenings with my husband and older daughter, reliable naps for my baby, sleep more myself, and am truly a better mama who enjoys her days more than ever. And most of all my baby has the gift of sleep. I can now give her a kiss and put her in her crib and that’s it. She wakes up happy and secure and it truly feels like a miracle. No more hours of rocking, stealth put downs where she instantly wakes up, creeping out of the room like a burglar so she doesn’t stir, or frustrating short naps. Life is so much better for all of us thanks to Pam. I will shout her name from the mountain tops as she is the most experienced and personable resource on pediatric sleep that anyone could find. I feel extremely lucky and privileged to work with her and I cannot thank her enough.”
Family felt like they had tried it all:
“We began working with Pam after a bad experience with another sleep consultant when our son was 4 months. We were nervous to give it another try but loved her blog and decided to get help with our sleepless nights and napless days. From the very beginning we knew she was different. She got to know us, our parenting style, and our son’s personality. We paid for the Skype interview plus 2 weeks of email support. She was with us every step of the way. Every question, every worry, every setback, every triumph.
Our son was waking 4 times per night when we started with Pam. He would take NO naps during the day- unless he was latched and sleeping on me. The worst part was that he was miserable. Is it true that some babies learn to sleep on their own without coaching? Yes. Was my son one of those babies? No. He needed my help to learn to put himself to sleep- and I needed Pam’s guidance to help him. After 3 days our night wakings went to 2/night. After 5 days, he was taking 3-4 naps per day. After one week he was waking only once at night and taking 3 long naps during the day. The best part was after the 2 weeks was that I had a HAPPY baby who was getting the sleep he needed. One week of stress was worth the happiness it brought our son.
Sleep deprivation was the worst part of becoming a new parent. I read 6 books trying to find answers. They were all so contradictory. With all the different advice, we couldn’t come up with a set plan... and unless it was in the book, we didn’t know what to do if something new and different came up during the sleep training. Pam gave us a clear path with quick answers and strong guidance. I don’t know where we would be be without her.... but I know we would be exhausted. ”
Overseas testimonial:
“Pam was a beacon in what was a dark time for us. There’s a handful of experts and books out there on sleep training but what’s exceptional about Pam is that she’s gentle and compassionate in her approach. It’s such a challenging time and her consistent encouragement and attention to the detail is what kept us persevering. We’ve been sleeping overnight now for 18 mo’s and counting and are all around a much happier household. We are so grateful to her. ”
Sleep training siblings:
“Pam has helped us through sleep transitions with two kids. She has clear and detailed plans to follow and when we implemented the plan, the kids really do respond! It feels pretty magical! We went from babies who cried off and on all night to kids that sleep through the night consistently. It takes some hard work and follow through, but it’s so worth it. I’m very grateful that “sleeping through the night” is in my rearview mirror and it’s no longer something I need to worry about. My kiddos are 1 and a half and 5 years old now and ‘knock on wood’, sleep worries are not something I think about anymore. Thank you Pam. I would recommend her to anyone with kids having trouble with sleep (and I have)!”
Previously sleep trained baby needed a refresher:
“We’d done some version of sleep training on our own when our daughter was 3 months old. She consistently woke up at 5am every morning and even though we wished we could get that extra hour of sleep every day, we decided it wasn’t that bad. At 7 months, things started to change. On a long Christmas trip back home, her schedule was so off, we had to revert back to all the crutches, bottle to go back to bed, putting on the boob, co-sleeping, etc. When we got back, trying to get her back on a sleep schedule was NOT going well. Our old sleep training effort was causing too much crying - and it didn’t feel right. That’s when we finally decided to call in Pam.
Once we started the sleep plan, our baby was getting herself to sleep MUCH smoother and faster - I’m talking 3-4 minutes! We learned that we were putting our daughter down when she was way too tired, which was backfiring every time. There were so many little things we were taking for granted about her sleep environment, but we learned to really set her up for success with Pam’s amazing guidance.
What I really appreciated about Pam was her level of detail. She is SO thorough and had so much invaluable guidance to offer that honestly extended outside of sleep, like some feeding challenges we were having. Now, our baby takes 2 solid naps a day and sleeps longer than before. She isn’t afraid of sleep and happily plays in her crib until we go get her. And even though I was skeptical that we could ever travel with success, I’m still in disbelief that I get to report that we just came back from a 1 week international trip where our daughter slept in the hotel crib like a champ, taking her same 2 naps a day and sleeping through the night EVEN ON VACATION! We’re already thinking about our next vacation because we feel confident we can do it and actually have a great time. I’ll never hesitate again to reach out for help when our baby is transitioning to a new sleep phase. It’s such a game changer.”
Check out Wee Bee Dreaming’s Facebook page for hundreds more testimonials, reviews, and recommendations!

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